Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Got my server set and flutes!

So I scaled back the budget on the server/flutes. Instead of the $150 for the set of the Park Avenue from Things Remembered, I found another set that Dave & I both agree on. It's the Double Ring set from Things Remembered. I won it today on ebay for $70, the entire set, so I scaled that down half!

How pretty they are!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy 17th Birthday Patrick!

Wow, so today is my son's 17th birthday! He's outta school due to "inclement weather" snowed and we had ice on top of that over the weekend and they are still outta school. He isn't having a party this year, I guess he outgrew that at the age of 16?! So he's getting a cake, a dvd and some cash! Easy enough for me.

Dave & I are still on Atkins so we won't be participating in said cake, much to my dismay :( I am still sitting at about the same loss as last Friday, about 6 lbs. Ready to see that scale go down some more...

I guess that's going to be it for today's post...not much going on right now. Oh other than the fact that today is officially EIGHT months till my WEDDING day! WOW!